Finding ‘Me Time’ as New Parents: Strategies for Recharging and Relaxing

Becoming a new parent is an exhilarating journey filled with love, joy, and, of course, challenges. Among these challenges is the daunting task of finding time for yourself – a crucial aspect for maintaining your well-being. This blog post is dedicated to all the new parents out there, looking for ways to carve out that essential ‘me time’.

Finding 'Me Time' as New Parents: Strategies for Recharging and Relaxing

Understanding the Importance of ‘Me Time’:

Before diving into strategies, it’s important to acknowledge why ‘me time’ is so critical. It’s not just about relaxation; it’s about self-care, mental health, and maintaining your individuality outside of your parenting role. This time helps in recharging your batteries, building resistance, and returning to your parental duties with renewed energy and patience.


Strategies for Finding ‘Me Time’:

  1. Schedule It In:

    Plan Ahead: Just like any important appointment, schedule your ‘me time’. It could be as simple as a 15-minute break to read a book or a weekly 30-minute walk alone.

    Communicate with Your Partner:
    Work together to ensure both of you get some alone time. It’s about teamwork and understanding each other’s needs.

  2. Quality Over Quantity:

    Short Breaks:
    Sometimes, all you can get are a few minutes. Use them wisely. A quick meditation session or a cup of coffee in peace can do wonders.

    Focus on What Recharges You:
    Whether it’s a hobby, exercise, or simply doing nothing, choose activities that genuinely relax you.

  3. Utilize Nap Times:

    Capitalize on Quiet Moments:
    When your baby naps, resist the urge to catch up on chores every time. Use some of these moments for yourself.

  4. Ask for Help:

    Family and Friends: Don’t hesitate to ask family members or friends to babysit, even if it’s just for an hour.

    Professional Help: Sometimes, it might be worth hiring a babysitter to get that necessary break.

  5. Incorporate Baby into Your Activities:

    Stroller Walks: A walk with your baby can be refreshing for both of you.Baby-Friendly Workouts: Look for exercises or yoga routines that you can do with your baby.

  6. Stay Connected with Your Interests:

    Use Technology: Listen to audiobooks, podcasts, or music during feeding or when you’re up at night.

    Online Communities:
    Join online groups or forums related to your interests. This can be a great way to feel connected and engaged in your hobbies, even if you can’t dedicate as much time to them as before.

  7. Embrace Imperfection:

    Let Go of Guilt: Remember, it’s okay to take time for yourself. It doesn’t make you a less dedicated parent.

    Flexible Expectations: Some days, ‘me time’ might just not happen, and that’s okay. Be kind to yourself and try again the next day.


Finding ‘me time’ as new parents isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. It’s about balancing your well-being with the demands of parenting. Remember, a happy and relaxed parent is a better parent. So, take that time for yourself without guilt, and know that in doing so, you’re also benefiting your child. Your ‘me time’ might look different now, but it’s still there, waiting for you to embrace it.